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St.Petersbourg in Putin era
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Jiri Tondl

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I am always in charge of the cooking
I am always in charge of the cooking

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I am always in charge of the cooking
Description: "I am always in charge of the cooking, I look after my family." says Sussanne Charmawina while preparing damper, a popular dish with Aboriginal people. The basic ingredients of damper is flour, water, and sometimes milk normally cooked in the ashes of the camp fire. Sometimes it is the only meal of the day that people can afford.
Sussanne Charmawina, Mary Nyamme, Christina Wilson, Clare Galova and Bruce Nyamme (L to R) are from Balgo which is a dry community (no alcohol permitted). They have been sleeping in a condemned house in Kennedy Hill for many months but recently the house was demolished and they have moved on to a bush camp close to the centre of Broome.
Broome, Western Australia. ©Ingetje Tadros/Diimex
Keywords: Aboriginal Aboriginal Corporation Australia Broome bush-camps community family indigenous Kennedy Hill Broome squatters Kimberley WA tribal aborigine
Date: 11.03.2015 08:11
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Added by: Ingetje Tadros

Byline: Ingetje Tadros
Caption writer: Ingetje Tadros
Caption: "I am always in charge of the cooking, I look after my family." says Sussanne Charmawina (L). Together with her family and friends Mary Nyamme, Christina Wilson, and Clare Galova (L to R) form Balgo (dry community, no alcohol permitted). They are squatting in a condemned house in Kennedy Hill. Sussanne is preparing damper, a popular dish with Aboriginal people. The basic ingredients of damper is flour, water, and sometimes milk normally cooked in the ashes of the camp fire. Sometimes it is the only meal of the day that people can afford. Broome, Western Australia.
Copyright Notice: ©Ingetje Tadros
Date created: 18.07.2014
Keywords: Aboriginal, Aboriginal Corporation, aggression, alcohol, alcohol restrictions, at risk, Australia, behaviour, bonding, breakfast, Broome, bush camps, Chinatown, community, condemned, damper, demolition, dinner, dry community, family, financial hardship, food, future, gambling, homeless, hope, housing, indigenous, Ingetje Tadros, Kennedy Hill, lunch, preparing breakfast, problems, real estate in Broome, rough, shanty towns, social housing, squatters, stress, support, the Kimberley, togetherness, tourist mecca


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Early morning breakfast in front of Esther Yumbi's house in Kennedy Hill  
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Stanley Thirkall from Fitzroy posing in the sand dunes at Kennedy Hil



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