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Jeff Chouw

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For No Good Reason_Chino
For No Good Reason_Chino

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For No Good Reason_Chino
Description: Chino, of Flatbush, says that for almost two decades she would get stopped. “I’ve experienced stop and frisk so many times, I can’t really pinpoint a number. My experiences date all the way back to the early 90’s. Not that the NYPD has any much of correctness around LGBT politics now, but it wasn’t even on the map for the NYPD back in the 90’s. I would get stopped by male officers, who would frisk me, put me up against the wall...pat me down and then figure out later that I was biologically female. Then they would proceed to call in another female officer to do a more thorough search of my body...For me, what I do with that anger is to channel it in the most productive way possible, which is doing campaigns and organizing around stopping stop-and-frisk.â€
Keywords: stop, and, frisk, nypd, racial, profiling, bias, for, no, good, reason
Date: 29.10.2012 19:17
Hits: 14380
Downloads: 0
Rating: 1.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 316.0 KB
Added by: Sophie Forbes


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