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Luc Forsyth

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Iraqi Refugees in the United States

Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Iraqi Refugees in the United States

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Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Description: "I found most of the Iraqi refugees here are struggling to survive; they do not really receive real assistance to address their situation. The agencies that are supposed to be helping are making life more and more difficult for us. They are very uncooperative, very unhelpful, and have done nothing for us. I have told this to them directly."
Keywords: Iraqi, immigrants, in, the, US, refugee, diaspora
Date: 10.03.2011 05:19
Hits: 23070
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 235.4 KB
Added by: Gabriela Bulisova

Object name: Iraqi Refugees in the United States
Byline: Gabriela Bulisova
Caption: "I found most of the Iraqi refugees here are struggling to survive; they do not really receive real assistance to address their situation. The agencies that are supposed to be helping are making life more and more difficult for us. They are very uncooperative, very unhelpful, and have done nothing for us. I have told this to them directly."


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