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Aiding understanding

Ray of hope
Ray of hope

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Ray of hope
Description: Mahantesh, Paul Mudda and Nagesh are the three visually impaired friends with a similar vision and mission of wanting to help the visually challenged to get access to higher education and create a niche for themselves in this highly competitive society. The initial aim was to provide them with a roof over their heads to continue with their schooling. Over the years the Organization has grown both in numbers and in extension of activities. It has come to include students who are physically challenged and are also from economically weaker sections of society.
Date: 31.08.2010 16:01
Hits: 284762
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 106.6 KB
Added by: Sandip Debnath

Byline: unknown


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