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The Burkah woman
The Burkah woman

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The Burkah woman
Description: They belong mainly to the lower middle and lower class. Many are housewives and many work in salons, as teachers, telephone operators, etc. They don't use the burqah so much for religious reasons, but more for cultural reasons. They cover themselves as a sign of a respectable status and belonging to ?good? families. Women working is not applauded in these communities due to lack of education, this also gives them a way of hiding themselves as they head for work.

Keywords: self, portrait, women, pakistan
Date: 21.08.2010 08:13
Hits: 23532
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
File size: 62.7 KB
Added by: Nariman Ansari

Caption: They belong mainly to the lower middle and lower class. Many are housewives and many work in salons, as teachers, telephone operators, etc. They don't use the burqah so much for religious reasons, but more for cultural reasons. They cover themselves as a sign of a respectable status and belonging to ÔgoodÕ families. Women working is not applauded in these communities due to lack of education, this also gives them a way of hiding themselves as they head for work.
Caption writer: Nariman Ansari
Byline: Nariman Ansari
Object name: The Burkah woman
Keywords: Self- portrait, conceptual, women, pakistan


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