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Paulo Santos

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Khyaketwine monastery school - Bago (Burma)  

Sagaing monk hospital - Mandalay (Burma)
Sagaing monk hospital - Mandalay (Burma)

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Sagaing monk hospital - Mandalay (Burma)
Description: Buddhist solidarity extends to the healthcare system as well. Monastic hospitals fill the gaps left by Burma?s dysfunctional public health system. The regime only spends 0.4% of the country?s GDP on health. Hospitals are underfunded and understaffed. In addition, the majority of the population lives too far from the nearest hospital, and could not afford the cost anyway. For these people, monastic hospital is the only alternative. Known throughout the country for his eye surgery clinic, the Sitagu hospital is free for the monks and open to all (picture 31). It boasts laboratories, MRIs, operating rooms and even a computer room and a library. Thanks to the volunteer doctors coming from the four corners of the world, Sitagu hospital treats more than 300 patients a day, hence abiding by its slogan, a quote from Buddha: ?the one who would care for me will care for the sick.?
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Rangoon, Cocoon, hospital, monk, doctor, health, eye, surgery, glass, solidarity
Date: 11.05.2010 18:05
Hits: 39621
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
File size: 440.8 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, ethnocultural, June 24, monk, Myanmar, Rangoon, Southeast asia
City: Rangoon
Country: Burma


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