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Paulo Santos

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Massive teaching - Yangon (Burma)
Massive teaching - Yangon (Burma)

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Massive teaching - Yangon (Burma)
Description: Embedded within the low rises of Yangon?s student district, the Get Up English schools attracts every week end several hundred students, workers and monks. Under the school?s tent, an battalion of fans try to cool down the panting crowd. On a stage, Mya Nyaing, the school founder, is tirelessly repeating the same dialogue to his hypnotized audience (picture 23). Even amplified by a microphone, his voice barely covers the noise of the electric generator. Between two sessions, he remembers:

?When I opened my school in 1992, after I came back from India, I had only 3 students. Today, I have more than 500. I need more space, but I don't own the land, and charges have doubled recently. Since I only charge $3 a day to each student, I have no choice: I must find something cheaper. Many of my students are too poor to even pay $3, but I?d rather move than force them to pay. It?s just the way I am.?
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Rangoon, Cocoon, Burmese, English, students, class, group, education, book, learning, tent, Brice, Richard
Date: 10.05.2010 22:40
Hits: 32218
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File size: 782.8 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, June 14, photo essay, Rangoon, Southeast asia
City: Rangoon
Country: Burma


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