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Dutch Veteran Day 2006
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Hes Mundt

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Shwedagon by night - Yangon (Burma)

Shwedagon slum at night - Yangon (Burma)
Shwedagon slum at night - Yangon (Burma)

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Shwedagon slum at night - Yangon (Burma)
Description: Besides natural and political disasters, small entrepreneurs must manage with more mundane hardships: crumbling infrastructure, collapsed streets, patchy phone networks and recurrent power cuts. ?How are we supposed to make a living when our business depends on the caprices of the power grid?, sighs the owner of a small publishing shop, his hand lovingly placed on the lifeless carcass of the printing press. Aung San Thein, who invested in a DVD player and a TV set to show movies to the neighborhood, agrees. Every power cuts costs him dearly: Kh 1,000 ($1) to rent a generator.

Burma?s electricity woes are even more crippling at night. 8 p.m., And Yangon is plunged in darkness. Most of the electricity that used to power the city has been diverted to Naypyidaw, the new capital built from scratch by the Junta. While the cozy parks and gleaming mall of the ville nouvelle enjoy uninterrupted power, Yangon crumbles. Shunned by public investment, the old capital is littered by the hollow shells of abandoned government buildings, condemned to ineluctable dereliction.
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Rangoon, Cocoon, night, dark, electricity, slum, landscape, poverty, infrastructure, Brice, Richard
Date: 10.05.2010 16:48
Hits: 41227
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 592.0 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, ethnocultural, June 15, Myanmar, Rangoon, Southeast asia
City: Rangoon
Country: Burma


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Shwedagon by night - Yangon (Burma)



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