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Daily Life

Swarat Ghosh

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Moe Natt and daughter - Mandalay (Burma)
Moe Natt and daughter - Mandalay (Burma)

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Moe Natt and daughter - Mandalay (Burma)
Description: Not all bets pay off, however. Many small businesses enjoyed a flicker of prosperity as foreign visitors poured in after 1996, christened ?Visit Myanmar Year? by the Junta. But the drop in tourism that followed the cyclone and the Saffron revolution left most of these initiatives still-born. Moe Thak and Nay Lat, two rickshaw drivers living in Mandalay, are now forced to reconsider their options. Sitting on a rugged mat, in a bare 100-square feet room, Moe Thak recalls how everything changed:

?We left our village to try our luck as rickshaw drivers in Mandalay. At first, money was good: there were a lot of tourists. After three years, Nay Lat had saved enough to buy his own rickshaw. But last year, he had stomach problems and had to sell everything to pay for treatment. He?s been renting a rickshaw from a friend since, and trying to save enough money to buy his vehicle back. Things have gotten tougher though. After the ?events?, fewer tourists have come. Nay Lat stays here because he has a wife and a daughter, but I have no choice: I must go back to my village.?
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Mandalay, Rangoon, Cocoon, Brice, Richard, portrait, father, daighter, Burmese, girl, rickshaw, labor, poverty
Date: 10.05.2010 16:43
Hits: 59746
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File size: 485.7 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, June 13, Mandalay, photo essay, Rangoon, rickshaw, Southeast asia, trishaw
City: Rangoon, Mandalay
Country: Burma


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Burmese farmer - Bago (Burma)  
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Shwedagon slum at night - Yangon (Burma)



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