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Alfredo Munoz

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Burmese farmer - Bago (Burma)
Burmese farmer - Bago (Burma)

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Burmese farmer - Bago (Burma)
Description: A few minutes in Minethawk reveal many of the demons that plague Burma?s economy. Rich in resources, endowed with large swathes of arable land, the country was destined to become Asia?s rice basket after the second World War. But decades of central planning, overregulation and nepotism smothered Burma?s agricultural and industrial development, leaving its workforce starved for economic opportunities. The bulk of the country?s revenue is squeezed from a few extraction industries (mining, timber, opium) and captured by a tiny elite, while the vast majority fends for scraps. However, driven by a profound desire succeed despite the hardships, Burmese people have become masters at navigating the murky waters of the informal economy:

?My uncle is an engineer at the airport, explains Tao, a student, but you can scarcely see him there. His main job earns him only $200 a month, so he pays his boss to be allowed to work part time in a travel agency, where he makes an additional $600. And he also trained himself as an air conditioning expert, so he spends his afternoons doing some odd repairs in hotels, which gets him an extra $150.?
Keywords: Burma, Myanmar, Yangon, Rangoon, Cocoon, Brice, Richard, farmer, peasant, poverty, portrait, father, son, rural
Date: 10.05.2010 16:40
Hits: 41575
Downloads: 0
Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 452.9 KB
Added by: Brice Richard

Copyright Notice: Brice Richard 2009
Keywords: Asia, Burma, June 16, photo essay, Rangoon, Southeast asia
City: Rangoon
Country: Burma


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