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Jewish Museum Berlin
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Nilanjan Mitra

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Save the Music
Save the Music

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Save the Music
Description: In January of 2009 a massive series of storms dumped up to 2 feet of rain on places in Western Washington. Here the small town of Marietta, WA. The town was under water up to 10 feet in areas. Water from the Nooksack River compromised its banks and flooded this town for days causing residents to evacuate and wait for the water to drain. Once dry most everything was coated in a thick layer of mud and debris and devastation were everywhere
Keywords: Bellingham, Washington, Native, Indian, Lummi, Nation, Northwest, flooding, storm, winter, small, town, devastated, tragic, water, debris, damage, destruction
Date: 15.07.2009 14:15
Hits: 35858
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 458.8 KB
Added by: Tim Chandonnet

Caption: In January of 2009 a massive series of storms dumped up to 2 feet of rainr on places in Western Washington. Here the small town of Marietta, WA. The town was under water up to 10 feet in areas. Water from the Nooksack River compramized its banks and flooded this town for days causing residents to evacuate and wait for the water to drain. Once dry most everything was coated in a thick layer of mud and debris and devestation were everywhere
Copyright Notice: Timothy EDward Chandonnet
Byline: Timothy EDward Chandonnet
Keywords: Belingham, Washington, Native, Indian, Lummi, Nation, Northwest, flooding, storm, winter, small town, devestated, tragic, water, debris, damage, destruction
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Step up to the mic  
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Clean Up Crew



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