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Palermu Attruvata_U Sognu Sicilianu_18
Palermu Attruvata_U Sognu Sicilianu_18
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Victoria Herranz

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India Tribal18
India Tribal18

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India Tribal18
Description: Tribal Woman from Adilabad.Adilabad is one of the most desolate region in India. Engulfed into the dark confines of the teakwood forests, the natives here are stuck into the black of social chaos, illiteracy and a continuing insurgency.
Keywords: India, Andhra, Tribal
Date: 20.08.2007 15:45
Hits: 23616
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Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
File size: 46.0 KB
Added by: Tashi Tobgyal

Caption: A Gondi tribal girl from Adilabad region, India.Gondi villages are infested with social ills like premature marriage and Child labour.Young girls are married off at the age of 12 years by tradition.By 13 or 14 they become mothers.Severe health related issues are frequent.Lack of Infrastructure like roads, drinking water, telecommunications and education keep basic life of the Gondis susceptible to Hardships and darkness.many Ngos and concerned Foundations have been working hard, but de to inaccessibilty of many of these villages, little has happened here.In such a scenario, Insurgent movements like the Salva Judum ravage and infest the whole region.

Photographer : Tashi Tobgyal, New Delhi, India

Author: Comment:

Join Date: 24.05.2009
Comments: 142
in the selection for final consideration

Tashi , this image is in the possible final selection
23.06.2009 16:42 Offline bookedit

Join Date: 24.05.2009
Comments: 142
in the selection for final consideration

Tashi , this image is in the possible final selection
23.06.2009 16:43 Offline bookedit

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