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Yaniv Nadav

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Child Soldiers
Child Soldiers

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Child Soldiers
Description: Proscavia Acora, 15, learns how to use a sewing machine at the GUSCO (Gulu Support the Children Organization) Child Soldier Rehabilitaion Center in Gulu, Northern Uganda, Friday, October 28, 2005. The children are trained in life skills at the camp so they will be able to support themselves. Joseph Kony's rebel army LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) have abducted over 20,000 children in the last 18 years of war and turned them into child soldiers, porters or sex slaves. The center has rehabilitated over 2,300 children since its' foudation in 1994 following the abduction of 130 girls from Aboke School in Apac, Northern Uganda in 1996.
Keywords: Child, Soldiers, ugnada
Date: 23.05.2007 20:01
Hits: 13420
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File size: 350.8 KB
Added by: Bea Ahbeck

Caption: Bea Ahbeck/Fremont Argus

Proscavia Acora, 15, learns how to use a sewing machine at the GUSCO (Gulu Support the Children Organization) Child Soldier Rehabilitaion Center in Gulu, Northern Uganda, Friday, October 28, 2005. The children are trained in life skills at the camp so they will be able to support themselves. Joseph Kony's rebel army LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) have abducted over 20,000 children in the last 18 years of war and turned them into child soldiers, porters or sex slaves. The center has rehabilitated over 2,300 children since its' foudation in 1994 following the abduction of 130 girls from Aboke School in Apac, Northern Uganda in 1996.


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