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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia

The Bathurst 1000 is one of Australia's iconic sporting events, and the symbol of Australia's dominant car culture. Held for one day on the historic and picturesque Mount Panorama Race Track, the 1000 kilometre car race is battled out by V8 cars from just two manufacturers, Holden and Ford.
For the thousands of parochial fans of the 30 year old race, the festivities (and drinking) start a few days before the Bathurst 1000, with many camping out alongside the racetrack. It is atop the circuit, at Mount Panorama, where some of the strongest characters pitch their tent, and where some of the more outrageous behaviour finds its home.
The 2006 race was a memorial to Peter Brock, a driver who had won more titles on the historic Mount Panorama circuit than any other, and died at the wheel only a few weeks earlier. A Holden driver, he was remembered and honoured by Ford and Holden supporters alike.
Photo documentary / Photojournal by Australian Photographer Tyler Freeman Smith (Hits: 451986)

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Entry (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Grabbing a hitch up the mountain (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Staking a claim (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Dawn on the day of "The Great Race" (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Early morning on race day (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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5am on race day (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
Comments: 2

Hair of the dog - 5am (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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In the morning (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Pitlane (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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An early morning for many (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Eskies (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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Eskies (Tyler Freeman Smith)
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The Day of the Great Race | The Bathurst 1000, Australia
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