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Opening In Fence, Inishman, 2007
Opening In Fence, Inishman, 2007
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Josef Tornick


(in)sanities or just a reflection how we care about our own kind. Those who are different that are kept all together in one place like a stock house where they can't give problems and are controled with pills. Is this the treatment and the right way?
In this litle town where I made these photos, some can walk outside but inside you can hear the screams of others. The intention is not to violate the privacy of these people but just to make us think about them.
Photo Documentary / Photo Journal Story by Portuguese photographer
Alfredo Mu?oz de Oliveira (Hits: 189143)

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#1 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#2 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#3 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#4 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#5 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#6 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#7 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#8 (Alfredo Munoz)
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Comments: 2

#9 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#10 (Alfredo Munoz)
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#11 (Alfredo Munoz)
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