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Stefanos Kouratzis

The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo

Republic Democratic of Congo, North Kivu, Masisi, Rubaya. Coltan and manganese, are rare metals used to make mobile phones and computers. The market value is so high as to have aroused the interest of multinational corporations and criminal organizations: in order to destabilize the political situation and take control of the mining business at a reasonable price, financial backing is given to armed groups waging war on one another. Under the supervision of the buyers in Rwanda, soldiers and police control the territory, exploiting the local population and reselling its natural resources: the proceeds are used to buy other weapons that provide additional power, thus creating a vicious circle it is difficult to break.
The armed rebel movement of the Nyatura was formed by the secession, in 2010, of the CNDP rebel movement, now called M23. Formed mostly by Congolese Hutu, they are led by Colonel Marcel Habarugira. Today some of these rebels have been reintegrated into the regular Congolese army F.A.R.D.C. Without any form of salary, they survive by bullying, through abuse of power, abuse of civilians, raiding night and day and demanding a 10% tax on all forms of activity in the city of Rubaya.

Nyatura soldiers patrol the territory around the Mudere mine. Miners dig 20 meters underground for the minerals before transporting them to a nearby river where they are separated from rocks and sand before being sold to dealers. Mine accidents are commons.

Photo documentary by Erberto Zani (Hits: 212756)

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War for minerals_001 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_002 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_003 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_004 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_005 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_006 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_007 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_008 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_009 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_010 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_011 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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War for minerals_012 (Erberto Zani)
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The Minerals War : Democratic Republic of Congo
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