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Nunca Mas
Nunca Mas
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Gianfranco Spatola

Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia

People living as squatters in and around a couple of a shabby and shattered house blocks in central Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The city administration has decided to take the blocks away to make way for new buildings.
They have also offered the squatters a new piece of land far outside the town.
The problem is that the population in this area is exceptionally poor and can hardly afford to get into something more expensive and many of them are now scared that they will have to live on the streets of Phnom Penh.
Photo documentary / Photojournal by Swedish photographer Jonas Hastings (Hits: 183526)

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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_09 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_12 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_05 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
Comments: 2

PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_06 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_07 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_11 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_01 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
Comments: 2

PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_02 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_03 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_04 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_08 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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PhnomPenhHouseSquatters_10 (Jonas Hasting)
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Phnom Penh House Squatters | Cambodia
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