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Ritually Presented Swine
Ritually Presented Swine
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Douglas Morton

Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story

"After the war and NATO bombing in 1999, soldiers of KFOR came to Kosovo to maintain peace artificially. I have seen that such a peace is only apparent, because both Serbs and Albanians have used every opportunity and inattention KFOR to harm each other. When I talked with the Kosova Serbs, I heard terrible stories about Albanian crimes against them: A pregnant woman who was murdered by Albanian snipers on her terrace while drying clothes, or of bombs being thrown into a crowded Serbian nightclub during the weekend , being some of many examples. On the other side when I talked to the Albanians and they had their own stories against the Serbs. An Albanian man told me about the time when he was studying in Pristina and his roommate who one day went to the store and never returned or has been heard of since.

I realized that reconciliation between the two peoples is virtually impossible. But a ray of hope may be coming apparent, an Albanian man who told me that his child was born after the war and that it will not remember the crimes that occurred during the past years. If peace continues, and this new generation of children grow up in peace, there is a chance that the future of Serbs and Albanians to live harmoniously."
For the full story see Ivan's notes

Photo Documentary / Photo journal Story by Serbian photojournalist Ivan Aleksic (Hits: 265818)

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Found: 20 image(s) on 2 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Barricades in Gazimestan, the most important Serbian historical monument (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Serbian Monastery, High Decani (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Italian soldiers, the guardians of Decani Monastery (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Mosque in Prizren (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Irish soldier srtnadfs guard at a serbian monument (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Renewed Serb house demolished during the NATO bombing (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Slovak army tank on the Serbian border (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Photos of missing people during the war in Kosovo (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Bishop Theodosius Monastery High Decani (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Barbed wire separates the Serbian and Albanian territory in Kosovska Mitrovica (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Boulevard - war criminal Ratko Mladic (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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Adem Jashari, Albanian leader (Guest)
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Serbian Kosova | Another side of the Kosova story
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