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Elderly Red shirt protester
Elderly Red shirt protester
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight

Headlines claim, Burma is a land of blood and tears.
A land of raised fists against raised batons.
A land scarred by cyclones and drug trade.

And yet, Burma is also a land of creation, innovation, inspiration. A cocoon where a thousand metamorphoses take place and a thousand butterflies take flight - rock stars and intellectuals, journalists and bar owners, high tech monks and transsexuals, contemporary artists and daredevil entrepreneurs. Even caught in a nightmare, Burma never stops dreaming.

Photographer Brice Richard and filmmaker Anne Murat captured a glimpse of that little known side of Burma. Through 66 interviews and portraits of social, intellectual, religious and artistic pioneers, they bring forth the image of a country not chained to the past, but soaring towards the future.

The documentary presented this year at UCLA is the fruit of the 15,000 pictures and 40 hours of video they brought back. More than a tribute to the enduring spirit of the Burmese people, ?Rangoon Cocoon ? A story of Burmese Butterflies? illustrates how the faintest flapping of wings can herald the most profound changes.

Samples of the documentary are available online at
Prints of the photo exhibition are available for purchase at

Photo documentary story / Photojournal by French photographer Brice Richard (Hits: 332982)

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Found: 48 image(s) on 4 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 12.

Yangon train station (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Student on her way to school - Yangon train (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Student on her way to school - Yangon train (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Her first ride - Yangon train (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Minethawk market - Yangon (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Born to be wild - Mandalay (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Burmese farmer - Bago (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Moe Natt and daughter - Mandalay (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Shwedagon slum at night - Yangon (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Shwedagon by night - Yangon (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Monastery power cut - Bago (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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Monastery TV show - Bago (Burma) (Brice Richard)
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Rangoon Cocoon | When Burma takes flight
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