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Days Gone By
Days Gone By
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Stephen Uhraney

Goodbye My Love

Fabiola Trejo never thought she'd be alone in her old age. After more than 60 years of marriage, she had hoped to spend her final years with her husband, Robert, taking small trips and maybe going to a ballgame.
That all changed in 2002 when Robert was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, an unforgiving disorder that destroys brain cells and erases memories.
Years of caring for her husband took a huge toll on Fabiola. Stressed out, anxious and unable to get a full night's sleep, she was at the end of her rope. When Robert suffered a fall in 2006, she finally made the difficult decision to put him in a care facility.
At the beginning of 2009, Robert is bedridden and has reached the final stages of the disease. Fabiola is preparing for the last goodbye.
Photo documentary story / Photojournal by US photographer Bea Ahbeck (Hits: 184795)

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Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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An Alzheimer's Widow (Bea Ahbeck)
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Goodbye My Love
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